Store Operation Permit

Our company, with experienced Engineers of all specialties, undertakes the entire Operating Permit of your company, with all the necessary audits, drawings and the processing of the files in the Services.

Our engineers come directly to your area to verify the facilities. We then inform you if your site complies with the requirements of the Legislation for the intended use.

In addition to issuing your Permit we inform you in good time about the expire date of the Fire Safety Certificates and the Approval of Environmental Terms, and we renew your Operating Permit when required.

Experience and good knowledge of Legislation and Process allows for all necessary audits and approvals to be carried out and processed at the same time. Our goal is to combine the best solution at the best times.


Food and Beverage Establishments

Restaurants – Pizzerias
Grills – Souvlaki Restaurants
Cafes – Refreshment Bar – Snack Bar
Ouzo Bar
Hair Salon and Barber Shops
Bakery- Pastry Shops
Bread Shops
Grocery Shops – Fruit Shops
Drugstores – Pharmacies – Clinics

Laboratories – Small Businesses

Steel and Aluminum Workshops
Carpentry Shop
Glass Workshop
Dental Laboratories
Cars repair shops
Car Washing and Service Stations

Contact us

For the Service: Store Operation Permit
P. 26610 25872 M. 6936 675 684 Εθνική Παλαιοκαστρίτσας 25,
Σολάρι Κέρκυρα, Ελλάδα