Fire safety

Ecogreenbuild undertakes all types of Fire Safety Audits, Certifications and Updates, as well as Residential and Business Facilities.

  • Hotels
  • Stores
  • Gyms
  • Popular Meeting Points
  • Laboratories
  • Car and Motorcycle Garages
  • Car Was-Stations
  • Warehouses
  • Shopping malls
  • Nursing homes
  • Nurseries


Our company undertakes any kind of fire safety audits from the simplest to the most complex installations, including fire extinguishing, fire detection, detection of explosive mixtures, gas, liquid gas, fuel storage etc.

In addition to the fire safety audit, we can either undertake the construction of a fire detection or extinguishing system or supervise the construction of the facility, according to customer request


Contact us

For the Service: Fire safety
P. 26610 25872 M. 6936 675 684 Εθνική Παλαιοκαστρίτσας 25,
Σολάρι Κέρκυρα, Ελλάδα